sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014


Hi,  today I want share  some activities that we can use in class.

First the teacher must show their children some pictures that  contain fruits such as:

An apple, a pear, an orange, strawberries...

For example:

What is the name of this fruit?

This is an apple.


Now, the kids know the necessary vocabulary and they can watch the next video: 

After the video the teacher can ask some questions about it.

Listen and respond

We can do another activity using a bag. Inside it we can put various types of fruits, and the teacher can say:  

  • "What's inside?"
  • "Touch it. What do you think it is?" And the children have to guess without seeing it. 
  • "Show me a big orange". 
  • "Show me a small orange." 
  • "Give me 1 pear/ Give me 2 pears." 
  • "How many pears are there?" 

With this activity the students learn vocubulary such as the different fruits, the sizes (big/small) or the numbers.

I recommend these activities for kids between 3 to 5 years. 

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